Actualmente la de Gorriti tienes obras de beacho que abrieron, no cerraron y no estas sef1alizados los pozos, esta peligrosa de noche en zona Godoy Cruz a Scalabrini Ortiz. Tb es zona que se cruzan muchos peatones distraidos, es zona de paseo y hay mucha gente dando vueltas. saludos y gracias. fabie1n [url=]drkfgad[/url] [link=]rjrkhkseksz[/link]
Ingresado: 11/29/2014 11:21:00 AM
De la lectura del curepo legal en comento, debo expresar el siguiente comentario: Solo se refiere a los docentes de aula, sin considerar otros estamentos vivos en los establecimientos educacionales, cual son los Asistentes Educacionales, para quienes se menciona sf3lo el trato digno, pero ese trato digno, no tiene el alcance de algfan incentivo al retiro para Administrativos y Profesionales No Docentes, quienes existen en los colegios y se rigen por el Cf3digo del Trabajo, mereciendo tambie9n ellos una compensacif3n o reemplazo por el menoscabo sufrido al te9rmino de la funcif3n pfablica.- [url=]rutfooaxhyg[/url] [link=]lvwkfroal[/link]
Ingresado: 11/26/2014 2:17:00 PM
I just returned from Cuba on December 15th. They do not want American money. DO NOT BRING IT. You will need to exachnge your money into Convertible Cuban Pesos. If you exachnge American, you will be charged 10% of what you are exchanging. There is no surcharge for converting Canadian to Pesos. The Cuban Peso is about 8% higher than the American dollar. For $100.00 Cdn, which we exachnged at the hotel, we received 77.00 Convertible Cuban Pesos. Remember to get a lot of single pesos as you will need to use this as tips. Even though it is all inclusive, you will still want to tip for good service. Especially your maid. If you have any extra tip the gardener as well as the beach workers, etc. They don't get tips and they would be more than grateful.To leave Cuba, each person will have to pay 25.00 Convertible Pesos. They only except convertible pesos, no Canadian, no American and no plastic. Put this aside at the beginning of your trip in your room safe and you will have no problems leaving the country!Have a great trip!
Ingresado: 11/24/2014 7:51:00 AM
Pg4kVk , [url=]xoqwgpfpbnzw[/url], [link=]vmiidyogvroo[/link],
Ingresado: 11/7/2012 4:19:00 PM